
Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler 作品集

Cover of The Gruffalo Cover of The Gruffalo's Child Cover of Monkey Puzzle Cover of Room on the Broom Cover of The Snail and the Whale Cover of Tyrannosaurus Drip
Hamilton's Hats A Squash and a Squeeze The Smartest Giant in Town Night Monkey Day Monkey Charlie Cook's Favorite Book Stick Man
Tabby McTat Zog Follow the Swallow The gruffalo song The Fish Who Cried Wolf

The Gruffalo
Jackanory Junior 2X01 也有講這個故事,主講人Sanjeev Bhaskar 表情及聲音豐富,將這故事講的好有趣,小朋友們也很喜愛聽他講這故事。

The Gruffalo's Child
Monkey Puzzle
Room on the Broom
The Snail and the Whale
Tyrannosaurus Drip  
Hamilton's Hats    
A Squash and a Squeeze
The Smartest Giant in Town
Night Monkey Day Monkey
Charlie Cook's Favorite Book
Stick Man
Tabby McTat
Follow the Swallow
The gruffalo song
The Fish Who Cried Wolf

官網: http://www.juliadonaldson.co.uk/picturebooks.htm

The Gruffalo The Gruffalo 怪獸古肥玀
The Gruffalo`s Child : 5 古肥玀和小猊猊
The gruffalo song and other songs
Monkey Puzzle 小猴子找媽媽
Room on the Broom 巫婆的掃帚
The Snail and the Whale 小海螺和大鯨魚
Tyrannosaurus Drip 醜小龍
Hamilton's Hats

英國作家Julia Donaldson在正式進入童書創作領域之前,曾經長期為兒童電視節目創作歌曲。1993年,她將其中一首歌曲改編為童書《A Squash And A Squeese》,也開始了與插畫家Axel Scheffler的長期合作。Julia Donaldson為兒童及青少年創作了超過四十部的繪本、兒童劇以及兒童音樂劇,繪本作品中包括了膾炙人口的《Gruffalo》以及《Room on the Broom》,還有2004年最新出版的《Gruffalo》續集《The Gruffalo’s Child》等等。Julia Donaldson作品中韻腳與重覆句的巧妙運用,呈現出歌曲創作經驗對她的影響,營造出強烈的個人風格,也讓她的作品非常適合朗讀。Julia目前定居於蘇格蘭的Glasgow,專職童書創作之餘,也經常訪問學校與圖書館,為小讀者說故事、並且表演或演唱她的作品。