
A Picture Reader (All Aboard Reading) | 東西圖書

1Where Is My Broom? 2 Dot Has Spots 3Arnie the Brave 4Silly Willy 5Too Noisy! 6Benny's Big Bubble
7 Monster and Muffin 8Picky Nicky 9 In a Dark, Dark House 10 King Big Wig 11Pig Out! A Picture Reader with 24 Flash Cards 12 Don't Wake the Baby!
13 Lots of Hearts 14 Otto the Cat 15 Is That You, Santa? 16 The Big Snowball 17The Little Engine That Could Helps Out 18Who Stole the Cookies?
01 Where Is My Broom? 我的掃把在哪裡? 
02 Dot Has Spots 小荳荳有小痘子
03 Arnie the Brave 勇敢的阿尼
04 Silly Willy 好笑的威利
05 Too Noisy! 太吵了!
06 Benny's Big Bubble 班尼的大泡泡
07 Monster and Muffin 怪獸與鬆餅
08 Picky Nicky 挑嘴的妮琪

Renee 看完 Picky Nicky 後就跟我說 Nicky 這樣不對,
她從不挑嘴的,因此對 Nicky 的行為很不以為然… 唉! 這本書難再回鍋了!
09 In a Dark, Dark House 在很暗、很暗的屋子裡
10 King Big Wig 國王的大假髮
11 Pig Out!  豬遊記
12 Don't Wake the Baby! 別把寶寶吵醒了!
13 Lots of Hearts 卡片在哪裡?
14 Otto the Cat 貓咪奧圖
15 Is That You, Santa? 聖誕老人,是你嗎?
16 The Big Snowball 大雪球

17 The Little Engine That Could Helps Out
18 Who Stole the Cookies?

這裡有部份音頻: http://www.box.net/shared/dtqnrr4ocg