
Audrey Wood 作品集

Cover of The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear Cover of Silly Sally Cover of Quick as a Cricket Cover of Magic Shoelaces Cover of The Napping House Cover of The Princess and the Dragon
Merry Christmas Balloonia Piggies King Bidgood's in the Bathtub
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and The ...
Silly Sally | Audrey Wood
Quick as a Cricket 我和蟋蟀一樣快 | Audrey Wood
Magic Shoelaces
The Napping House | Audrey Wood 
The Princess and the Dragon
Merry Christmas, Big Hungry Bear! | Audrey Wood
King Bidgood's in the Bathtub 


Audrey Wood (奧黛莉.伍德)
  Audrey Wood從小的生長環境與經歷相當豐富且特別,亦因此潛移默化地影響她未來人生的發展與走向。
1969年認識了先生Don Wood。於公,是默契絕佳的合作夥伴,於私,是親密相依的人生伴侶。他們始終認為,一本好的書應該包含了韻文的節奏與感受; 而一本好的童書,則是能夠讓任何年齡層的讀者,體會閱讀時所的愉悅與歡欣。也在彼此相輔相成的過程中,創作出一本又一本的佳作。另帶一提的是,Don喜歡用人物的來做為書內的主軸,Quick as a Cricket裡的小男孩便是他們孕育的寶貝兒子Bruce。Author on the web: http://www.audreywood.com

Silly Sally Silly Sally
The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear 誰要吃草莓
The Napping House The Napping House 打瞌睡的房子The napping house
我和蟋蟀一樣快 = Quick as a cricket Quick as a Cricket
The Princess and the Dragon
Magic Shoelaces
Merry Christmas, Big Hungery Bear!
King Bidgood's in the bathtub 澡缸裡的國王