
The Napping House | Audrey Wood

Cover of The Napping House
The Napping House
這是一本唱的繪本,JYBooks 有製作歌曲,網友說歌曲很好聽,但我覺得 so so,
旋律跟 Today Is Monday 很像,
可能我是先接觸 Today Is Monday 的歌曲後,才看這本的,少了新鮮感,就沒啥感覺了。

這裡有Activities: Color / B&W

A reading of the Napping House book while pictures are being shown~

The Napping House
THE NAPPING HOUSE - a book story by Audrey Wood

The Napping House The Napping House
打瞌睡的房子The napping house